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NFTs – the next big step in digitalization?
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What do NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and the painting „Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase“ by van Gogh have in common? Both are unique and cannot be replaced, this is why they only exist once in this world. Everyone knows what the painting by the masterful van Gogh looks like. But what about NFTs – you might have heard about them but what exactly are they?
An NFT can be used where a digital object is to be marked as an original individual item. In principle, it works like a label. This label makes it possible to trade and collect the digital files as individual items. NFTs can thus guarantee uniqueness. They are built on a blockchain or distributed ledger technology and can thus be traded as virtual units of value, regardless of who they originate from.
Due to their structure by means of a blockchain, they are also very similar to cryptocurrencies, but differ from them in their uniqueness, as already mentioned above.
After cryptocurrencies, will NFTs be another big step in digitalization. Nicole Beranek Zanon and Alessio Frongillo are happy to take on the challenge of introducing you to the promising topic of NFTs and want to provide you with an in-depth insight. The following topics in particular will be explained:
- What exactly are NFTs?
- How are NFTs created and how can they attribute value?
- What legal issues arise in connection with NFTs?
- What requirements must be observed when trading NFTs?
- What rights actually underlie an NFT?
- What is the current legal framework around NFTs, if there is any?
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